Self-Love or the Warrior’s Path: Back to Life
Self-Love or the Warrior’s Path: Back to Life
What does self-love really mean?
Self-love—a term often misunderstood.
You hear: “Accept yourself as you are.” “You are good enough.” People advise you to stand in front of the mirror, compliment yourself, smile kindly, and convince yourself that everything is fine. But what if you look deeper and realize: I am not good enough—not for myself. Perhaps for others, but not for the standards I set for myself.
In the morning, as I prepare in the bathroom for the challenges of the day, I stand in front of the mirror—critical and self-reflective. Before that, I complete my meditation routine, which puts me in the right mental state—clear, focused, ready. This is followed by my intensive workout routine, for which I wake up an hour earlier. Routine, focus, discipline—these are the values that drive me. As my body still feels the final steps of the workout, I check to make sure my business attire is immaculate, every...